Benefits of a working holiday to Australia

Benefits of a working holiday to Australia


Citizens of the UK and a number of other countries who are under 26 can apply for a working holiday visa to Australia, it gives the ability to work for a 12 month period, which means a trip to Australia can be affordable.  In some circumstances the visa can be extended for a further 12 months to give 24 moths in total.


Travel broadens themind or so the saying goes, Australia is a long trip, and because itis physically a continent in its own right it takes time to travelaround and properly appreciate it. You really need at least six weeks to see Australia and several months if you want to do each of its locations justice.

If you are like me, then the period straight after University is the ideal time, before you take on the commitments of a car, a house  and probably in time a wife and a family.    I studied Biology at University in London, then spent a year down in Australia, or Oz as it is known. The experience was great and one I will, l and have remembered all my life. I returned started studying Accountancy and built my career up from that time point onwards. I always thought I would go back, but never did and probably never will. Given my experience I really recommend that you consider that option, particularly if you are getting to the end of your degree and don’t have a clear plan, or have yet to find a career or job.

Getting the visa

That is pretty easy, you just need to send off your ID, proof of some money and back comes your visa!

Getting there

I flew via Indosneia, UK to Rome, Rome to Abba Dabbi, then to Indosensia, Bali where I stayed for a week then to Darwin.  There are other options such as via the USA - Los Angeles and Hawii for one.

Getting Around

Greyhound buses. I really recommend this option, you can get a pass that is valid for upto a year and you cross off each leg of the journey as you travelaround. I met loads of great people travelling this way.  Most people are traveling either in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction so it is surprising how you bump into.  I met people from my University, from my halls of residence, even from my school days and I had no idea they were in Australia at all!

What to see

Darwin – Great for a trip across to the Kathadu National park.

Sydney – Of coursethere is lot to see in the largest city. The Opera house, Bondibeach (though it’s reputation is better than its reality!)

Melbourne – is agreat location, not too expensive, it reminded me a lot ofManchester in the UK, a large city with a lot of great things to see,but not as costly as the big city of Syndey

Adelaide – a greatsmall city

Sunshine Coast –perfect for seeing the great barrier reef.

Gold Costs - Brisbane

The trip to the peninsular is worthwhile, and I recommend hiring a 4x4 for a week anddrive up there with friends


There is a lot to packin and great fun to be had. The best advice is to spend a few weeksin each location, the bigger cities are the best for working, so break up your time with a few months stint to rebuild the bank account.