Madden 21 update adds new abilities and fixes major issues

Introduction and guidance to the game Madden NFL 21

The game Madden NFL 21 has fixed many problems in the entire game in the recent update. For example, there is an Enforcer function, but Madden training points are needed to unlock it. However, you can get a lot of training points by using Madden 21 coins.The game not only fixes the problem, but also adds some new features for players. Let’s take a look at the specific situation.

According to the new title update released by EA and the content described in the latest Gridiron Notes, it can be concluded that the new features of Madden NFL 21 are mainly as follows:

Run committed: A defender with this function will mainly win the running block when using the Guess Play adjustment to predict the run. If the guess is wrong, it will cause a certain loss.

Pass Committed: If a defender with this function correctly uses Guess Play adjustment to predict the pass will win the pass block, if the prediction is wrong, it will cause a certain loss.

Deflator: Defenders with this ability will cause increased fatigue when passing non-conservative tackles.

From the above description, it can be concluded that if you can accurately predict a game, then Run Committed and Pass Committed will help players with these two abilities ask the opposing defender to run and block. If you guess wrong, it will lead to loss. The Deflator ability will give the defender a potential fatigue penalty, allowing the offensive with the ball to have more opportunities.

As mentioned above, this update also adjusts an ability called Enforcer. The adjustment of this function mainly solves the problem of CPU-controlled defenders using batting tackles too frequently, resulting in too many goals. But this ability is only available to some players.

The above is a specific introduction to the new features and adjustments of some features in this update. Some people think that such changes are inappropriate, because such changes make the highly competitive American football lack of skill and competitiveness, but Some people think that such changes will increase the fun of the game. Do you think this feature update is good or bad? If there are errors and incompleteness in the above article, you are welcome to add corrections.